Some situations like debt are unavoidable, as they can save you in your hour of need. However, left unchecked, debt, such as that of a credit card, has repercussions and could land you in court. For a credit card company to reach the point of suing you, it will have exploited all other means of … [Read more...]
The Statute of Limitations in Debt Lawsuits
Texas Laws Against Aggressive Debt Collection When it comes to debt collection, consumers have a variety of options to protect themselves against unlawful debt collectors. A 2019 law in Texas strengthened the rights of consumers against debt collection and maintained the state’s short statute of … [Read more...]
What Does It Mean To Get Served A Lawsuit In Texas
The term, “being served,” means that a person has received legal papers, a lawsuit, or a subpoena, detailing a civil case in which that person served must appear. It is required by law that the plaintiff gives the defendant a legal notice before bringing them to court. But why does a person get … [Read more...]
What is a Writ of Garnishment and How Can You Stop It?
From corporate credit cards or small business loans, business debt can be difficult to manage. If it remains unpaid for long, businesses may face a serious problem: garnishment. Bank account garnishment is a legal process that helps a garnishee, often a bank, collect money from a debtor and give it … [Read more...]
Can You Declare Bankruptcy to Escape a Credit Card Lawsuit in Texas?
Facing a lawsuit for unpaid credit card debts is stressful enough to wipe away your peace of mind and disrupt your life. The resulting garnishing of bank accounts and seizing of non-exempt assets can bring your financial life to a standstill or set it in a dooming downward spiral. However, the … [Read more...]
8 of the Best Defenses to Creditor Lawsuits
If you're faced with a lawsuit from one or more of your creditors, then you'll want to mount the best possible defense. In this article, we'll discuss what does not constitute a valid legal defense and 8 legally valid defenses that can help you win your case. What is Not an Acceptable Legal … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Guide to Bankruptcy in Texas
If debt is overwhelming you and you are looking for a debt relief solution, filing bankruptcy might be right for you. Bankruptcy gives you a fresh financial start and allows you to resolve your debt in an efficient manner. The bankruptcy attorneys at Warren & Migliaccio can help guide you … [Read more...]
Bankruptcy: Does Declaring This Discharge Credit Card Debt in Texas?
For consumers who are looking for debt relief, filing for bankruptcy could be the best way to discharge credit card debt and start over with a clean slate. When considering filing for bankruptcy, consumers should decide which type to file based on their specific situation. This article looks at the … [Read more...]
Is It Possible To Be “Judgment Proof?”
The phrase "judgment proof" often comes up in relation to bankruptcy and court orders. What does it mean to be "judgment proof?" Is it even possible? What Does Judgment Proof Mean? The common definition of "judgment proof" is either you are too broke to pay off the debt, or you only have income … [Read more...]
Credit Card Company Sues You: First Steps
Can a credit card company sue you? And what can I do about this legal action? These are questions we get quite often at our law office. Being served with a lawsuit for unpaid credit card debt is a startling and scary experience. Whether you’ve been served by the original creditor (the credit … [Read more...]
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