If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, you are probably under a lot of stress and anxiety caused by your debt situation. Constant calls from creditors and the bank can cause you to withdraw and become depressed. Here are some ways to deal with the emotional backlash of filing for … [Read more...]
How a Dallas Bankruptcy Attorney Can Help You
If you’re faced with the possibility of filing bankruptcy and don’t know where to turn or how to proceed, a bankruptcy attorney from one of the hardworking law firms in Dallas, TX, can help you navigate the process and get back on the road to financial independence and self-sufficiency. A lawyer … [Read more...]
Know the Difference Between Chapter 13 & Chapter 7
If you’re in financial dire straits, you may consider the possibility of filing for bankruptcy, but the process is more complicated than simply deciding that it’s time to go ahead with filing. One stumbling block that many people encounter is in the difficulty of deciding between Chapter 13 vs … [Read more...]
Inheritance after Bankruptcy in Texas
If you have received an inheritance after you have filed for a bankruptcy in Texas, what happens next depends almost entirely on 2 factors – the timing of the bankruptcy and the type of the bankruptcy that you filed, either a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Whatever the circumstances, a bankruptcy attorney … [Read more...]
Applying for Credit after Bankruptcy in Texas
Many mistakenly believe that it’s impossible to get credit after declaring bankruptcy, when the case is quite the opposite. In fact, you’re likely to be issued offers by several credit card companies after your case has been closed. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should take any offer that … [Read more...]
Alternatives to Bankruptcy in Texas
Being under financially hard times does not necessarily mean that you need to file for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In some cases, you may be able to resolve your financial troubles by addressing your debt head-on, and a bankruptcy could be avoided altogether. Consider speaking with a … [Read more...]
Comparing Chapter 13 and 7 Bankruptcy in Dallas
The difference between a chapter 13 and a chapter 7 bankruptcy in Dallas comes down to whether or not the bankruptcy court rules to completely discharge your debts or to set you up with a repayment plan to repay part or all of your debts to your creditors. When you are unsure of the … [Read more...]
What does bankruptcy do?
People begin to ask themselves (and others), “What does bankruptcy do?” as they begin to consider the possibility that they may need to file for bankruptcy. Being well-informed on the bankruptcy processes is vital to adequately preparing yourself. The more prepared you are, the more likely you are … [Read more...]
After Passing the Means Test for Bankruptcy in Texas
Bankruptcy terms like the means test can be confusing. Not only that, you may have the option to file for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. With this being such a complicated area of the law, it may be in your best interests to seek legal counsel from a Dallas, TX law firm. The Chapter 7 means test … [Read more...]
Bankruptcy Eliminates Credit Card Debt
Bankruptcy can provide tremendous relief if you are facing credit card debt. If you have credit card balances that are becoming too difficult to keep up with the minimum payment, bankruptcy may the solution for you. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy help make credit card debt more manageable … [Read more...]