These days, it is all too easy to find yourself in debt. The truth of the matter is that if you promised to pay, whether through revolving credit, promissory note, or by verbal agreement, you do legally owe the money. With the state of the world these days, it is easy to just want to ignore the … [Read more...]
Credit Card Debt: Guide to Responding to Court Summons
Facing a court summons for credit card debt can feel overwhelming. As Christopher Migliaccio, an attorney and co-founder of Warren & Migliaccio, L.L.P., I have seen countless individuals struggle with this situation. Understanding how to respond effectively is crucial. Many people fear the legal … [Read more...]
How to Get Out of Debt on a Low Income: 10 Proven Strategies
As an attorney specializing in debt defense and bankruptcy law in Texas, I often meet clients with limited income who are overwhelmed by debt. It’s not because they’ve made poor financial choices but because of the rising cost of living. Many, like Wilson, don’t want to file for bankruptcy—they just … [Read more...]
When Does Statute of Limitations Start for Debt Explained
As an attorney specializing in debt and bankruptcy law in Texas, I often encounter clients who are unaware of how the statute of limitations affects their debts. Mr. Erving was one such client, learning about it after receiving a lawsuit. On a rainy Tuesday afternoon, he called me, worried and … [Read more...]
Can Filing For Bankruptcy Stop a Civil Lawsuit In Texas? Get the Facts
It was late Friday afternoon when Mr. Jones called, panicked after receiving notice that a creditor was suing him for an unpaid debt. He was desperate to find a way to stop the lawsuit and regain control over his financial situation.As a bankruptcy attorney in Texas, I've helped many clients facing … [Read more...]
What to Do if Autovest LLC Sues You for Debt Collection in Texas
Is Autovest LLC suing you for debt collection in Texas? If so, you may be stressed and confused. What is Autovest, and why is it suing you if you have never taken out a loan with it? Autovest LLC is a debt buyer that pursues unpaid auto loans. It might be suing you for an old debt purchased from an … [Read more...]
What to Do if Sued by Unifund CCR LLC in Texas
Receiving a lawsuit notice from Unifund CCR, LLC can be confusing and overwhelming, especially because you have likely never heard of it. Unifund CCR LLC is not a bank, creditor, or loan company with which you took out credit. So, what exactly is it, why is it suing you, and what can you do about … [Read more...]
What to Do if Sued by Members Choice Credit Union in Texas
Have you been served a lawsuit by Members Choice Credit Union? If there is one message you take away from this article, it is this: never ignore a debt collection lawsuit. You have legal options available to you to resolve this lawsuit and put it in the past. Below, our Texas debt collection defense … [Read more...]
What to Do if Sued by Accelerated Inventory Management LLC in Texas
Receiving a lawsuit notice can be a daunting experience, especially when it concerns debt collection. If you are in this situation, you may feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure of where to turn. You may also not recognize Accelerated Inventory Management LLC and think it is a scam. However, you … [Read more...]
What to Do if Facing a UHG I LLC Lawsuit in Texas
If UHG I, LLC, is suing you for debt, you might feel overwhelmed or question if it’s a scam. UHG I, LLC, is not a creditor or lender, but a debt buyer that purchases charged-off debts for a fraction of their value. It then seeks to recover the full amount—and more—from consumers. It’s important to … [Read more...]
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