Children may feel as though divorce is their fault, or that their life will never be the same again after the Richardson divorce. It’s important to help your children cope with the divorce, so they can move on from it with strength, and a clear understanding it has nothing to do with them. Tip #1: … [Read more...]
Divorce: Avoid Making Mistakes with Your Children in Richardson
Divorce is a stressful time for everyone involved. However, it’s important not to forget that your children are under a lot of stress because they don’t understand what is going on. For this reason, it’s crucial that you avoid making the following mistakes. Mistake #1: Talking Badly About Their … [Read more...]
Talking With Your Kids about Domestic Violence
When you plan to leave a marriage because of domestic violence, you should contact a Texas child custody attorney who will represent your children’s best interests. Talking to your children about what is happening also can ease the emotional strain for them. Talking to your children about the … [Read more...]
Helping Children Deal with Divorce in Texas
A divorce can be a devastating event for children, no matter how old they are. Even in adult children, the thought of seeing their mother and father split up can be heartbreaking and confusing; however, there are many things parents can do to ease the pain and make the transition less … [Read more...]
Mediated Divorce Can Help Children Cope
Dallas Divorce Lawyer: Mediated Divorce in Texas Can Help Children Cope A mediated divorce in Texas is an alternative to a litigated divorce and it is an alternative that any Dallas divorce lawyer will tell you is easier on the kids. When a couple litigates a divorce, they fight out issues in court … [Read more...]
Collaborative Law Approach
The Collaborative Law Approach to Divorce in Texas There are many advantages to the collaborative law approach to divorce in Texas. If you and your spouse are in agreement on most issues, a divorce lawyer can inform you about the uncontested divorce process. Not all marriages end badly. The … [Read more...]
Tips for Leaving your Marital House in Texas
One of the main concerns after a divorce in Texas is where you and your children will live. Many factors will go into determining which spouse gets to keep the marital house and you may find yourself moving to a new location, either locally or further from your current home. In any case, moving … [Read more...]
5 Tech Tips for Staying In Touch With Your Kids After Divorce
If your child custody agreement allows for your ex-spouse to retain primary custody of your children and move miles away from the Texas home you once shared you may risk losing contact with them over time. Fortunately, with the power of the Internet communication across distance is easier and … [Read more...]
Divorce: Take Charge of Your Life
You will go through a lot of stress if you are going through divorce in Dallas. A way to ease stress is by taking charge of your life. To regain control, you may want to try: Relaxing- sit in a quite area and clear your mind, listen to soothing music and float with the melody, or tense and … [Read more...]
Divorce Stress in Texas: Tips to Help Your Children Cope
Many children experience the stress of divorce annually in the United States, and there are several variables that can determine how they will react, including: their maturity level; their personality; and the circumstances that led to divorce. When to Tell the Children about … [Read more...]