Unemployment numbers are affecting parents’ ability to pay their child support in Texas. Child support laws in Texas can send a non-paying parent to jail for up to 6 months or even longer. A Dallas child support lawyer may be able to assist you in possibly modifying your child support orders to meet you and your child’s current economic needs.
Repercussions for Non-Payment of Child Support
A non-custodial parent who fails to provide the court-ordered child support payment may be sent to jail or even prison. The reason is because this parent is in contempt of court for not following the court order.
Besides spending a significant amount of time behind bars, child support laws in Texas also can fine a parent for not paying child support. Fines can be as high $500 for each violation. Additionally, you may be required to pay attorney’s fees and court costs.
Changing Your Court Ordered Child Support Payment
Anytime a significant change in your life occurs, like a reduction in income, you should immediately notify the Office of the Attorney General. This, in and of itself, will not change your child support payment.
To modify your child support you will need to have a new support order issued. A Dallas child support lawyer, who understands Texas child support law, may be able to guide you in getting your child support order modified.
Contacting a Texas Child Support Lawyer
Parents need to know what is expected of them when it comes to child support in Texas, and a Dallas child support lawyer may be able to help.
The attorneys at Warren & Migliaccio have years of experience, and we’ll use that training to provide you peace of mind for the future, whatever the circumstances for your divorce or family law situation. From the initial consultation until the day your divorce is finalized, our Texas family lawyer team at Warren & Migliaccio is here to advocate on behalf of you and your children. Contact our Dallas law firm today at 1-888-584-9614.