Child support is typically ordered in a Final Decree of Divorce. Texas law requires a 60 day cooling off period after you file for divorce before the court can grant the divorce and sign the Final Decree of Divorce. If the divorce is contested, you may often be looking at well over 6 months or … [Read more...]
Child Support - Frequently Asked Questions
Paternity test for child support collection?
In Texas, establishing paternity is different for married and unmarried couples. In the case of a married couple, Texas automatically recognizes the husband as the legal father of the child. In such cases, when the marriage ends in divorce, the wife does not need to get a paternity test for child … [Read more...]
How is child support calculated in Texas?
Child support is calculated with a state-mandated formula that takes several figures into consideration, including the income of the parent paying child support, as well as the number of children receiving support. After the child support obligation has been figured and court ordered, the … [Read more...]
Do I have to pay child support if my ex keeps me away from my kids?
If an ex keeps you away from your children in Texas and you’re required to pay child support, you’re still required to make your payments. Financial support and visitation are considered two separate issues. If you’re required to pay the child support, there may be stiff penalties for not … [Read more...]
If I lose my job can child custody payments adjusted?
Texas Child Custody Agreements and Job Loss Supporting your children is part of being a parent, and of adhering to your Texas child custody agreement. Changing financial circumstances can have an affect on a person's ability to make their child custody payments, and can raise questions about … [Read more...]
Creating a Parenting Plan with Your Ex after Divorce
What is a parenting plan or parenting agreement after a divorce in Dallas, Texas? A parenting plan is a great option for any couple with children who are considering divorce in Dallas, Texas. It essentially is an agreement that the 2 parents make regarding how they will share custody of their … [Read more...]
Who can apply for child support services in Texas?
The Office of the Attorney General in Texas, offers reliable family law resources, accepts applications for Texas child support services from mothers, fathers, and other individuals. If you are having a difficult time with any aspect of your child support orders, it is a good idea to consult a … [Read more...]