Bankruptcy may sound like the easiest way out of a financial mess. However, that isn’t always the case. Anyone considering filing for bankruptcy should seek legal counsel. The following are five tips for anyone who is considering filing for bankruptcy: analyze your financial situation to … [Read more...]
10 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Filing for Bankruptcy
There may come a point when you have done everything you can to redeem your financial situation. But if you have hit a brick wall, the only choice left could be to file for bankruptcy. To shed the best light on your situation, you may think that omitting or falsifying information is the right … [Read more...]
Dallas, Texas Bankruptcy Lawyers Share the Top 10 Reasons People File Bankruptcy
Deciding to file bankruptcy is stressful. A Dallas, Texas bankruptcy lawyer may help to relieve some of the stress by handling some of the necessary steps and laying out the process so you better understand what is going to happen from start to finish, and beyond. If you’re considering filing for … [Read more...]
Benefits of Foreclosure Delay During a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Is foreclosure the right choice? A Dallas Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney can help you decide. When you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, all lenders must cease allocation of debts during the bankruptcy process. This could give you several months to figure out what you’ll do about an impending foreclosure. … [Read more...]
Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling in Dallas
If bankruptcy is on your mind, a Dallas, Texas bankruptcy attorney can go over the process with you so you better understand what to expect. In order to file for bankruptcy in Texas, you must first take part in a credit counseling class. The class must be completed at a state-approved program and … [Read more...]
Dallas Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney Explains Chapter 7 Eligibility
A Dallas Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney can help you figure out if you are eligible to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Your attorney will go through the stipulations that may dictate whether you are eligible to file for bankruptcy. Income below Average State Levels To be eligible for bankruptcy, your … [Read more...]
Watch for these Bankruptcy Warning Signs
If you’re fallen on hard financial times and are facing debt that you can no longer handle, bankruptcy may be a good option. Bankruptcy can wipe away your debt or help you form a repayment plan to pay back your creditors. An experienced Dallas bankruptcy attorney can begin you on the road to … [Read more...]
Are you Qualified for Bankruptcy?
If you’ve found yourself with loads of debt that you can’t financially handle, it may be time to consider filing bankruptcy to help you pay off what you owe, or even wipe the slate clean altogether. Everybody talks about it, why not talk about it with a Dallas bankruptcy lawyer? In order to … [Read more...]
Understanding Home Foreclosure Rules in Dallas, Texas
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments in Texas, your creditors may begin the home foreclosure process. Lenders must follow specific rules when initiating this act. Seek out a Dallas bankruptcy lawyer to explore the alternatives available to you in defending against home … [Read more...]
Assets Exempt from Sale in a Dallas, Texas Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves the sale – or liquidation – of a debtor’s assets in order to repay creditors. There are certain belongings that will be exempt from this sale, which fall under real property exemptions and personal property exemptions. To find out more about your financial standing … [Read more...]