Learning how to get out of student loan debts may prove helpful to some who are heavily financially burdened. Although it may sometimes be totally eliminated, it is generally difficult to erase. Options for Dealing with Burdensome Student Loan Debt If you’re struggling to make payments, one … [Read more...]
Avoiding Car Repossession in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
When looking into the option of filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, one of the primary concerns for many is how to avoid car repossession. Most people realize the need to retain their vehicle and continue making payments on it. While you could surrender your vehicle if you choose, doing so may wind up … [Read more...]
5 Reasons to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
There are numerous potential reasons to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and usually there are several combined factors that lead someone to make that decision. Nobody wishes for financial hardships; but unfortunately, hard times and difficult circumstances force many Americans to seek solutions such as … [Read more...]
Barriers to Discharging Debt in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
A Richardson Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney discusses some of the most common barriers to filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and discharging debts. The process does not always go smoothly. Sometimes, a party involved in the process will challenge the filing or cause delays in the process for various … [Read more...]
Discharging Student Loans Through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
A Richardson Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney can help you with the bankruptcy process, which can discharge many debts, but generally not student loans. Unfortunately, student loans can leave a person with debt totaling tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Paying off this amount of debt can … [Read more...]
Non-exempt & Exempt Property in Bankruptcy
Filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case requires you to release qualifying assets and property to your creditors to help repay your debt. This only applies to non-exempt property, and in Texas, that may not be as much as you think. Non-exempt Property Under Texas Chapter 7 bankruptcy law, any assets or … [Read more...]
What to Expect After Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Filings in Texas
Once you’ve gone through Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings in Texas, you may have questions about what to expect in life after filing. While you may have been able to take advantage of some Texas bankruptcy exemptions, you will be starting your financial life over. A Dallas bankruptcy attorney can help … [Read more...]
What You Should Know Before Filing Chapter 7
Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings in Texas may seem like the way to get out of financial trouble. However, even with Texas bankruptcy exemptions and the help of a Dallas bankruptcy attorney, you may be confused about whether Chapter 7 is right for you. When considering bankruptcy filings in Texas as an … [Read more...]
Bankruptcy Filings in Texas: who will handle your case?
Bankruptcy filings in Texas can be very confusing for anyone who doesn't handle these kinds of cases on a daily basis. Trying to understand Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 alone can be frustrating. Therefore it's important that you have good legal counsel. However, you should interview several candidates … [Read more...]
Hire a Specific Chapter 7 Texas Attorney
There are many distinct differences between the process of filing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 personal bankruptcy in the bankruptcy courts of Texas. Not all bankruptcy attorneys will handle all types of Texas bankruptcy filings, so it’s important to research all your options before choosing a law firm … [Read more...]