Creating a will allows you to stipulate how you would like your estate handled when you pass away. A will is a crucial part of end-of-life planning, but despite its importance, many Americans die without a will. In fact, an estimated 60% of people in the U.S. do not have a valid will. This is a … [Read more...]
How Is Debt Divided in a Texas Divorce? Insights & Tips
When going through a Texas divorce, one of the most challenging and emotionally charged aspects is figuring out how debt is divided. Unlike tangible assets, dividing debt isn't always as straightforward as splitting everything in half. Texas is a community property state, which presents a particular … [Read more...]
How does owning a house before marriage affect property division in a texas divorce
How does owning a house before marriage affect property division in a Texas divorce? This is a common question many Texans ponder as they enter marriage, particularly when bringing a significant asset like a house into the union. While Texas operates under community property laws, meaning … [Read more...]
Can My Spouse Sell Our House Without Consent? What to Know
Can My Spouse Sell Our House Without Consent? What to Know Navigating the complexities of property ownership and marital rights can be daunting, especially when it comes to significant assets like your home. A critical question many face is: can my spouse sell our house without my consent? … [Read more...]
What a Wife is Entitled to in a Texas Divorce: Understanding Your Rights
Last week, Meredith walked into my office for a divorce consultation. Married for 12 years to a successful tech entrepreneur, she'd raised their two young children while he built his company. Although she was now ready for a divorce, she had her concerns. “Meredith, in all my years of … [Read more...]
Is Selling Property Before Divorce Settlement Wise? Insights for Your Journey
Divorce is a tricky journey, especially when it comes to splitting assets. One big question: thinking of selling property before divorce settlement? It can really shake up your financial future. At Warren & Migliaccio, we're here to guide you. We'll break down: Texas law on community versus … [Read more...]
How does separate property become marital property
A shiny new car bought while single might be listed as marital property after you say “I do” or perhaps an inherited family heirloom suddenly seems up for grabs in divorce court. This transition might feel like magic but there's no rabbit or hat involved. It’s the state law doing its thing and … [Read more...]
Is Property a 50-50 Split in a Texas Divorce?
Divorce is rarely a straightforward process, and one of the most contentious issues often revolves around the division of property. As experienced Texas divorce lawyers, we are often asked the following question about property division: "Is it a 50-50 split in a divorce in Texas?" Below, we discuss … [Read more...]