When a credit card company sues you for unpaid credit card debt they’ve decided to take legal action to collect the debt you owe. This type of legal action is called a debt collection lawsuit and ignoring it can have severe consequences. This article will walk you through what happens when a credit … [Read more...]
What Happens If You Ignore a Lawsuit? A Guide
Facing a lawsuit can be scary. Many people wonder what happens if you ignore a lawsuit, hoping it will just disappear. Ignoring a debt collection lawsuit can lead to serious financial trouble. This post covers what happens if you ignore a lawsuit, focusing on debt collection cases. A lawsuit … [Read more...]
Will Debt Collectors Sue Over Low Credit Card Debt?
Will debt collectors sue over low credit card debt? This guide explains it all. Dealing with debt collectors can feel overwhelming, especially when you're concerned about potential lawsuits over low credit card debt. This guide answers a common question: Will debt collectors sue over small debts? … [Read more...]
What to Do if Facing a Spring Oaks Capital Lawsuit in Texas
Have you been served with a Spring Oaks Capital lawsuit? If so, you may be feeling stressed and uncertain about what steps to take next. Fortunately, you have legal options available to you to resolve the lawsuit. Below, our Texas debt collection defense lawyers break down what to know about Spring … [Read more...]